You can't stop errors, but you can stop reacting badly to them.
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Does it drive you crazy to be wrong? I don’t like it. Being right is nicer.
Because we make so many decisions and have a lot to remember, it is inevitable that we will be wrong frequently. So, your only choice is how to respond to being wrong yet again. Here are some suggestions.
Accept It
It takes some time. but eventually you can learn to simply be wrong and not overreact. The overreaction often creates more problems than simply being wrong does.
Accepting that you are not perfect frees up a lot of misplaced expectations and assorted baggage. That leaves you able to get more done right.
Learn from It
What choice on your part made you wrong? What criteria were you not considering? How did the person who is right decide on the choice they made?
Asking these questions in a non-demeaning way and learning from the answers makes it a bit less likely you will be wrong … at least about the issue at hand. You also will learn new ways of looking at issues and problems.
Take the Emotion Away
You are always a 10 out of 10. Why? You are alive and able to make choices. And you are not what happens to you. How to respond neutrally or positively to being wrong is the big choice.
Suppose you are the owner of a small company. If you blow up when you are wrong, how do your employees feel? Scared and worried. If you respond to the situation without being overwhelmed by having been wrong, your employees are inspired to manage their own reactions to similar situations in a neutral manner. This makes everyone more productive and focused.
No matter what your profession is, you can count on being wrong periodically. All you can control is your response. Make a choice that will not create more problems. Doing so will feel good to you and all the people you work with.
This article was originally posted on Remodeling
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